If Ever There Was a Time…

Did you ever meet someone that came across as just plain mean spirited? Or so arrogant that they couldn’t think of anything or anyone but themselves?

Many of us know people who display these traits. The TV is certainly filled with them.They aren’t pleasant to be around,are they? And what’s even worse is that they seem to enjoy being despicable to others.

They blame the economy. Blame the negative political climate in America. Blame racial inequality.Blame it on heredity. Gotta blame something or someone.

Funny isn’t it? The excuses we come up with to try and explain away our selfish attitudes. Everyone has their struggles, and I mean everyone. But excuses are like noses. Everybody got one.

I don’t enjoy being around negative people,do you? Someone said life is too short to have to put up with things like this and I’m inclined to agree.

Showing my overly simplistic view of things,I often wonder what is so difficult about just being thankful. Just being grateful for the good things we do have. And we do have a lot of good things don’t we?

Now don’t get me wrong. There are times when I have to check my own attitude. And like it or not,the Lord has kindly provided a “helper” to lovingly point out such occasional deficiencies in her husband.

But seriously,have we forgotten the “be nice”rule? Or how far a simple smile goes?

I’m so tired of negative talk and frowning faces. It’s discouraging to listen to people complain about their job when they make six figure wages,especially since so many are forced to make due with so much less. Or try listening to someone complain about the high cost of dining out these days,knowing that there are hungry people who would love to have enough of anything to eat.

It sure would be nice if for just a day or two we could all remember this simple truth from God’s word:

“He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God?”
‭‭Micah‬ ‭6:8‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Does this really seem to be that difficult?

If ever there was a time when we could use a little civility,a little decency,a little tact,it’s today.

A little mercy would go so far in helping to dispel some of the negative. A small acknowledgement that there is Someone far greater than we are would be a wonderful thing. Treating someone kindly just because it’s the right thing to do would do wonders for so many.

Who knows, it might start with you.

Or me.

Be blessed!

2 thoughts on “If Ever There Was a Time…

  1. Having just sat through the first presidential debate, I heartily agree. Ours is such an “entitlement” culture. So many problems could be solved, if we took the time to walk a mile in the other guy’s shoes. Thank you for the reminder, Ron.

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