If it’s not in the Bible…

I just had to share a link to an article that really resonated with me. In a day when many people who attend church do not study the scriptures and therefore will accept just about anything as the “Gospel Truth”, it is indeed refreshing to see that not everyone has jumped off the cliff!

From the “Messed Up Church” website:

“If God really wanted us to “Achieve our Dreams” and “Fulfill our Destiny,” wouldn’t the Bible clearly tell us that? Wouldn’t there be verses in the New Testament where we (the church) would be instructed to “Dream Big” or “Get out of your comfort zone” or “Follow the dream in your heart” or something like that? Did Jesus die on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins, or did He die on the cross so our dreams can come true”?

You can read the rest of this enlightening article here:


Be blessed!


6 thoughts on “If it’s not in the Bible…

    • I know a few older ones that also need to hear this Anna. The things that are masqeurading as Christian today are almost beyond belief. So much if it is justified by the old testament scripture that says God is going to do a “new thing”. That scripture speaks specifically to Israel yet the church has adopted it as a license to accept anything man can dream up.
      What a day we are living in!!!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. The prosperity gospel fills more pulpits.. Unfortunately false teaching causes those who do not study scripture to loose faith in God when they do not get rich or have a trouble free life that is being preached.
    Thank you for sharing the truth 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I would love to experiment with something Mary Ann. I’d like to start a church but do it so radically different that people would be dumbstruck! For example: what if church was 15 minutes of actually praying to the Lord, followed by a message from God’s word? Notice what’s missing? No MUSIC! Think anyone would come back for a second visit???


  2. Thanks Kitty. At the risk of being “kicked out of the club”, I find that I am questioning many things that I was once taught were non-negotiable. Much of what was in that article really resonated with me.


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