Wanna Wrestle?

Wrestling is still a huge attraction for those that favor the “made for TV”variety of wrestling. It doesn’t seem to matter that the matches are well rehearsed,scripted events pitting the good guy against the bad guy and nearly everyone knows who the “winner”will be before the sound of the bell. This stuff is still raking in hundreds of millions every year!



Too bad life isn’t like that. Wouldn’t it be great to know ahead of time when disaster would strike? To be able to “script”our lives to a certain degree? To know when the bad guys were going to “clothesline”us? To be able to see in advance when the opponent was sneaking up on us from behind?To be able to fix the match?

Of course there are others who say that they wouldn’t want to know any of these things ahead of the time. “Might ruin the journey”they say. Hmmm..

If only there was a way to know ahead of time who the winners and losers will be in real life.To know our opponent so well that we could foresee his every move and plan accordingly.

Well, if you’re a Christian,you already know who the winners and losers will be! The old,old story was written a long time ago and God wins!

That doesn’t mean however that there aren’t some battles to fight.

As a child of God we understand all too well who our opponent is.We know him by many names including Satan,the devil,Lucifer,deceiver,and a host of others.

Not only do we know who he is,but we also know how he operates.His forte is wrestling.

He lies,he cheats,he steals,he kills,he destroys.He wrestles.



In the age old battle of good vs.evil Satan is the ultimate bad guy.He is the opponent no one wants to face and there is no quit in him.His chief purpose is to destroy everything that is good,and that includes everyone who claims Christ as their Savior.

Yet as “bad” as he might be,he proved to be no match for Jesus Christ! Matter of fact,even though Satan orchestrated the “match of eternity”at an arena called Calvary,a place where he thought he had every advantage,it was a simple wooden cross that proved to be his undoing.

A simple Jewish carpenter who never raised a hand against him,but who instead simply used the word of God to rebuke him,had defeated this enemy once and for all.

For all of us.

The scriptures make it very clear who our enemy is.The world,in it’s twisted way of distorting the truth,would have us to believe that as divided as the church may appear to be we are defeated.The enemy has won.Uh…no

Not so fast.Let us consult the authority of God’s word for a closer look at this.

No less an authority than the Apostle Paul had this to say about this great wrestling match called life:

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.  Eph. 6:12  NKJV

Our enemy is not one another.My battle is not against Baptists,Lutherans,or Methodists,and neither is yours.We are not told to battle any denomination or it’s creed or doctrine.Our fight is against the powers and spiritual forces of the devil that have enslaved this world in darkness and confusion.

The next time you feel you’re being challenged by the “ultimate bad guy”,just remember that Jesus has taken the fight out of the devil for you.So if you get the sense that the devil is challenging you to a wrestling match,you can rest assured that he cannot win.

He’s already been counted out.

3 thoughts on “Wanna Wrestle?

  1. Well put, Ron. As it happens, my father and grandfather were great fans of wrestling. 🙂 People often rail against God for the suffering and injustice they see in the world. Satan has made an art out of evading responsibility for the evils he inflicts. Think of childhood leukemia, paralysis, blindness, and all the rest. Still good will conquer evil, as love conquers hate. In fact, the war has already been won. It was won for us at the cross. As Christians, our focus should be on that. Have a good week!

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  2. I have never been able to tolerate watching any wrestling ….. at all. My husband would tell me that it was all a big show, but I still hated all the fighting. I still hate all the fighting that goes on in the world, even if I do know WHO has won the war and WHO can easily win the battles under certain conditions. All the same, thanks for the great reminder. It is so easy when under attack to forget who our real enemy is. Thanks, Ron. 🙂

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