O Happy Day!

Today I’m taking a break from blogging about church related matters because something much more important has come up.

Today my Princess and I are celebrating our wedding anniversary. Regular readers of this blog know that I am madly in love with my wife, and so today I wanted to share a little bit about this amazing woman who has made me complete.

My wife is the greatest encourager a man could have by his side. When I have been at my lowest, she has never failed to stand beside me and cheer me on. So many times I have wanted to quit or give up on something because I thought I couldn’t handle the resistance, yet she was always there telling me I could.

Countless times at work I would receive a text from her, encouraging me to trust God and stand firm. I’ve lost track of all the encouraging scripture notes that somehow found their way in my lunch box, but I assure you they made all the difference at the time.

When I suffered a massive heart attack, she never flinched but stayed by my side letting me know that we would pull through this. When the frightening news came that I had to have open heart surgery, she was a rock. Yes, on the inside she was terrified, but she never let me see that until it was all over.

When I was coming out of the anesthesia she was right there, calming me as I fought all the tubes, wires, and hoses connected to me. Even in my foggy condition, her soothing voice seemed to be enough to cause me to relax.

Not only did she nurse me back to health then, she has continually taken care of me whenever any kind of illness has come. She has done all of this without one word of complaint or bitterness.

She holds many job titles in our home. She is an extraordinary cook, and I’ve lost track of how many sweepers she has worn out because she loves for her home to be clean at all times.

She is the chief financial officer and budget controller as well. In an age when people find it too bothersome to balance their checkbook, I say heaven help the bank should they make a mistake because my wife will catch it. To. The. Penny.

Birthdays and holidays are always special because, well, she makes them special. Her decorating sense is amazing and should anyone visit our house, they can instantly see what season it is by her choice of decor.

Oh, and I would be remiss if I didn’t mention her love for bunnies. At Easter, our house is filled with bunnies. Bunnies on the floor. Bunnies on the wall, Bunnies on the couch. Bunnies on towels and tablecloths. You get the picture I’m sure.

Just today, she saw a bunny in the yard and declared that she wanted to pet it. I had to remind her that the bunny would not appreciate that. Still, if that bunny would sit still…

My wife is also an incredible mother. It’s a whole another story in itself, but she was told she could not have children, yet two months after we were married, guess what happened? Yep. Eight or Ten pregnancy tests later we were finally convinced this was going to happen.

She has raised an amazing daughter who is now in her second year of college. Like her mother, she loves the Lord and is a very driven young woman. Her heart is to teach children, so to that end she is going to become a school teacher in a couple of years. I think any school system will be thrilled to have a new teacher come on board who actually loves children, don’t you?

There is yet one more thing about my wife that I believe surpasses everything else I’ve mentioned. She is a warrior. She is a fighter. When she believes she is right about something she will not back down. I love that about her!

Being raised as she was in a Christian home, the daughter of a pastor, her convictions are largely drawn from God’s Word. This is who she is, and who she will always be. People sometimes mistake her gentle spirit for weakness, but they only make that mistake once!

I am so thankful that God brought us together. Two broken people who had given up hope of finding real love were brought together and filled with a special, lifetime love for one another.

This is our Love Story

Happy Anniversary Debbie,

I love you with all that’s within me,


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