What are YOU good at?

The other day my wife handed me a piece of paper on which she had quickly written something she had heard somewhere. Here is her message:

“In the church we’ve gotten really good at worship, but not so good at service to the Lord.”

As I reflected on this it struck me in a profound way that what she said was very true. For so long our churches have focused so much of their resources on creating the perfect “worship environment”(whatever that is), that it’s come at the high cost of neglecting others, and more importantly, Him.

If we aren’t serving others, how are we Christlike?

If ministry is not our primary purpose, what exactly is our purpose?

If we aren’t being salt and light in this world, why does this world even need us?

If we aren’t anointed and equipped for service, then who is doing the work of the ministry?

Father, as David prayed, so do I.

Create in me a clean heart O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Teach me that serving others is serving You. Take the blinders from my eyes that I might see the needs that are all around me. Help me to understand that my neighborhood is my mission field, that souls hang in the balance, and that yes, I am my brothers keeper. Instruct me in your ways Lord, and let me not fail to praise you for the untold blessings that have been given to me. Amen




6 thoughts on “What are YOU good at?

  1. Amen! It’s so easy to get caught up in all that’s part of church attendance but never really BE the church, BE the hands and feet, BE a living example of Christ. Yes, we are called to worship Him in Spirit and in truth, but part of that worship is showing others what Jesus is like in our own lives through service, grace, mercy, and love.

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    • Absolutely Mia. Part of the reason society has such as contorted view of the church is because of what we put on display every Sunday. If we could ever wrap our heads around the “doing unto others”part,what an impact we could have!

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