Feeling Small in His Presence

Today my family and I did something we always love to do,which was to go to the beach.At least that’s what the girls call it.For me,it’s all about the ocean.That vast,incredible ocean.While they can spend hours talking,picking up seashells,or just walking together I am transfixed by the grandeur of the sea.2016-11-09-13-34-46

The sea,with it’s timeless,repetitive rhythm of the tides that come and go as if they have been programmed by some Master craftsman to continue unabated for all eternity.

Never stopping,never slowing,but in a rhythmic pattern choreographed by Someone far greater than any of us.

I feel so small in His presence…

It is a world unto itself,something so vast and incomprehensible as to render the most prolific of writers utterly speechless.

Who can begin to describe the complexities involved when this was first placed into motion? Where is the mind that can trace back to it’s origin this cycle of ebb and flow?

It is here,in this place,that I sense Him in a way that defies all human comprehension.

For there is a Holy solitude here. Here,among the many people who have come from far and near to rest in the warm sunshine and to fall asleep listening to the sounds of the relentless waves crashing into the shore.This is a Holy place.

In the midst of all that is going on here,there is an unexplained sense of calm and order.

It is a solitude unlike any other,as if one can here “deep call unto deep”.

In the midst of this crowded beach I stand gazing out at this seemingly endless body of water called the Gulf of Mexico,and I am nearly overcome by the sense that I am surrounded by One who is greater than all I can see with my own eyes.2016-11-09-13-43-01

It is as if I hear His voice whispering to me that what I am witnessing is something from eternity past.Strong. Ageless. Timeless.

His voice,this ocean,the ceaseless tides,are all reminders that He is still in control of it all and that I do not have to fear what tomorrow may bring.

The LORD on high is mightier than the noise of many waters, than the mighty waves of the sea.  Psa 93:4 NKJV

We serve a Mighty God.He calls the waves and the winds to obedience.By His own decree we have been bought with a price and are now the Sons and Daughters of God.He has redeemed us and knows what every tomorrow will bring.Being God,there is no event that can take him by surprise or catch him unaware.

Do you not fear Me?’ says the LORD. ‘Will you not tremble at My presence, Who have placed the sand as the bound of the se2016-11-09-13-47-14a, By a perpetual decree, that it cannot pass beyond it? And though its waves toss to and fro, Yet they cannot prevail; Though they roar, yet they cannot pass over it.  Jer 5:22 NKJV



Lord,in your Presence I feel so small.Hide me under the shadow of your mighty hands.

May I never get so high-minded or proud that I forget just how great You are.

5 thoughts on “Feeling Small in His Presence

  1. This is so beautifully said. It brought me back to when we lived at the coast as well. While sharing a bedroom with three sisters, I escaped a few times a week to the nearby beach and sat in rejuvenating, restoring solitude with God. It was always a peaceful, calming and renewing time for me. Thanks for sharing and bringing back those wonderful memories for me. 🙂


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